As I reported yesterday in WND, Khalid al-Mansour’s recent appearance on a BlogTalkRadio show, “The National and International Roundtable,” revived a story that did not deserve to die in 2008 when it first surfaced.

In the introduction to that show, the host summarized what that story was. Khalid al-Mansour, he said, “made news in 2008 when it was revealed that he had been a patron of President Barack Obama and had recommended him for admission to Harvard Law School.” The host went on to describe al-Mansour as “co-founder of the International law firm of al-Waleed, al-Talal and al-Mansour and special adviser to Saudi Arabian prince, his royal highness Prince Al Waleed bin Talal bin Abdulazziz.” For the record, al-Mansour entered the world as an African-American by the name of “Donald Warden.” Thanks to the good work of Frank Miele, editor of the Daily Interlake of Kalispell, Mont., we can begin to see how al-Mansour and bin Talal involved themselves in Obama’s ascendancy.

Miele unearthed a November 1979 column (page 19-A) written by one Vernon Jarrett, a veteran black columnist then for the Chicago Tribune and later for the Chicago Sun Times. As it happens, al-Mansour was Jarrett’s source for the information in that column.

Jarrett begins the column, “What about rumored billions of dollars the oil-rich Arab nations are supposed to unload on American black leaders and minority institutions?” “It’s not just a rumor,” al-Mansour assures him. “Aid will come from some of the Arab states.” After detailing al-Mansour’s work defending OPEC against an anti-trust suit, Jarrett observes that al-Mansour had been urging “the rich Arab kingdoms to cultivate stronger ties to America’s blacks by supporting black businesses and black colleges and giving financial help to disadvantaged students.” It is not yet known how al-Mansour knew Jarrett. The fact, however, that he singled Jarrett out to convey information about a program designed to spend “$20 million per year for 10 years to aid 10,000 minority students” suggests a prior relationship. Miele could find no other reference to this initiative. It may have taken a private turn and, if so, Obama would have made a very likely candidate for the support of rich Arab kingdoms like Saudi Arabia. In addition to his Islamic name and roots, Obama had one very good connection: his mentor Frank Marshall Davis, card-carrying member of the Communist Party USA.

In the late 1940s, Davis, then a prominent journalist in Chicago, took young reporter Vernon Jarrett under his wing. As Paul Kengor relates in his excellent book, “The Communist,” Davis and Jarrett worked together on a number of projects, most notably the communist-controlled Citizens’ Committee to Aid Packinghouse Workers.

It so happens that 1979 was the year Obama began college. In his 1995 memoir, “Dreams from My Father,” he tells how he visited “Frank” before departing for the mainland, and Davis gave him the lowdown on college life.

Jarrett remained a prominent Chicago player until his death in 2004. Something of a kingmaker, he had much to do with the election of Chicago’s first black mayor and Obama’s role model, Harold Washington.

In that same year, 1983, his son, Dr. William Robert Jarrett, married Valerie Bowman. As Valerie Jarrett, she would become Obama’s most trusted adviser in the White House.

Given this background, it seems altogether likely that venerable African-American entrepreneur and politico, Percy Sutton, told the truth when he said that al-Mansour asked him to help smooth Barack Obama’s admission into Harvard Law School 20 years earlier.

Given this background, it is altogether more appalling that the media killed this game-changing story in 2008 through lies, denials and the slandering of Percy Sutton.

Tiny Menlo College is home for Saudi elite douche-bags and hyper-privileged royal rapists

- Menlo College brought crooked Middle East cash to Tesla, Google, Facebook, Twitter, Lyft and other corrupt Silicon Valley Oligarchs
- Paradise Papers, WikiLeaks, Panama Papers and Swiss Leaks show that the Silicon Valley bosses are criminals!

By Nanette Asimov

Photo: Brant Ward, The Chronicle

Faisal Al Kabbani (left) enjoys a light moment with fellow Saudis Abdullah Al Akeel (center) and Abdulaziz Al-Saud, a prince, Thursday May 7, 2015. More than 100 members of the Saudi Arabian royal family and ... more

More than half a century ago, a professor from Menlo College in Atherton took a vacation to Saudi Arabia, a struggling young country despite recent oil wealth, and spent many an evening telling Saudi dinner companions about the small, private men’s school specializing in business education.

“The next thing you know, we had the royal family there,” chuckled Dorothy Skala, who worked at Menlo for almost six decades, much of that time as an aide to the traveling professor, John “Judge” Russell, who was head of the business department.

Since the late 1950s, the little-known campus in the wealthy enclave west of Palo Alto has attracted more than 100 members of the Saudi royal family and that nation’s elite: princes, government ministers, bankers and gazillionaires like Alwaleed Bin Talal Alsaud (Class of ’79), the 34th person on Forbes’ latest list of the world’s richest people.

While Menlo College is no household name to most Americans, its attraction to Saudi nationals foreshadowed a boom in Saudi students studying at colleges across the United States. Since 2010, the number has more than doubled to 54,000, propelling Saudis to become the fourth-largest group of foreign college students in the United States today, according to the Institute of International Education, which tracks such statistics.

Saudi government’s help

The boom is largely because the Saudi government began paying tuition, room and board a decade ago for students studying abroad. In 2014, the number of Saudi students soared 58 percent in a single year — more than any other country.

Six Saudi students are enrolled at Menlo College this year, more per capita than at the University of California, where there are 74 Saudi students — but 238,700 students overall.

“I knew all the Saudis. Mohammed Faisal — he was a huge, big guy,” Skala said of Prince Mohammed bin Faisal Al Saud (Class of ’63), who helped develop the Islamic banking system. “We welcomed them with open arms. They picked up the American ways very quickly.”

Menlo College opened in 1927 with two dozen students and by 2000 had grown to 500. Today, fewer than 800 students are enrolled. The college went coed in 1971, and administrators were able to identify just one female Saudi Arabian student, who graduated in 2011.

‘Big sign of respect’

Menlo charges about $50,000 (including room and board) per year for state residents and nonresidents alike, and Saudi families or future employers typically pay the bill.

The six Saudi students there this year include Abdulaziz Al-Saud, a Saudi prince who says he’s just a regular guy trying to figure out his future.

“I’m not going to enter politics, that’s for sure,” he said with a smile.

He and four other Saudi students — brothers Nawaf and Abdullah Alakeel, 21 and 23, Abdulaziz Al-Benyan, 21, and Faisal Al Kabbani, 19 — are majoring in international business management.

“The Bay Area is a great hookup for jobs,” said Al-Saud, 21, whose work experience includes managing an estate in Riyadh and looking after a special-needs child. His Menlo College friends wouldn’t dream of using his title, which is “His Highness, Prince,” and he looks aghast at the suggestion.

“I don’t like for them to say prince because they’re my friends,” he said. “When I talk to my dad, I might call him prince, depending on the situation. If I talk to one of my uncles, I’ll say it for sure. It’s a big sign of respect.”

The students said they like studying in Silicon Valley and prefer Menlo College to Stanford because it offers an undergraduate business major, unlike Stanford. All the Saudi students, including Manhal Elhein, 21, an accounting and entrepreneurship major born in San Francisco who grew up in Saudi Arabia, said they heard of Menlo from family or friends, a plus in the family-centered society.

“At Menlo, you’re able to walk into a class and the professor knows your name. I’m the type of guy who would rather have that student-teacher relationship,” said Al-Benyan, whose education is paid for by an oil company for which he’s agreed to work for four years after graduating.

Intersection of cultures

Seated around a table in the college’s administration building, the friends talked about the intersection of cultures, noting that Saudi Arabia is more Americanized than people know.

“People who grew up in Saudi Arabia are good with the mac-and-cheese thing,” said Abdullah Alakeel.

One graduate, Faysal Alaquil (Class of ’79), uncle of the Alakeel brothers, remembered arriving at Menlo with a letter of introduction from his brother, Youssef Alaquil (Class of ’67) and showing it to Skala.

“She had tears in her eyes when she found out that I am Youssef’s brother, of which she knew very well,” recalled Alaquil, who owns a trading company that bears his name. “She took the introduction letter and walked with me into Judge’s room and said ... ‘Judge, look who is here! It is Youssef’s younger brother, Faysal, just come all the way from Saudi Arabia.’

“What school will treat their students like the way Menlo did? I felt at home,” Alaquil said. “I felt I am with my family.”

A more recent graduate, Suliman K. Olayan (Class of 2009), whose family owns the Olayan Group investment company, said he found a “friendly and, more importantly, close-knit environment” at the school. It was also, in a sense, exotic. “Menlo College was a far destination and would surely give me the chance to experience and immerse myself in new cultures and situations,” Olayan said.

College President Richard Moran, on the job since September, said he enjoys the diversity of Menlo — which includes students from Guam, Guatemala and elsewhere — and appreciates the legacy of Saudi students going back generations.

He said, “Who can argue with a stamp of approval from a member of the royal family?”

When Silicon Valley wants a partner to help them rape young girls and boys as well as U.S. Governments, they turn to foreign butt-plugs from Atherton!

Atherton school’s prominent alumni

Menlo College claims more than 100 Saudi Arabians who attended or graduated. Here is a partial list:

Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud, former governor of Riyadh and 30th son of Saudi Arabia’s founder, King Abdulaziz Alsaud (attended ’62)

Prince Mohammed Bin Faisal Al-Saud, banker and shareholder of Saudi and Gulf Enterprise Ltd. (’63)

Sheikh Youssef Elakeel, chairman, Al Bayda Trading Co. (’67)

Khaled Suliman Olayan, chairman of Olayan Group (’70)

Waleed Zahid, chairman AJIL Financial Services Co. (’71)

Prince Faisal Bin Abdullah Bin Muhammad Al-Saud, former minister of education to the Saudi cabinet (’72)

Amr Khashoggi, vice president group affairs, Zahid Group (’77)

Prince Al Waleed Bin Talal Alsaud, CEO, Kingdom Holding Co. and grandson of King Abdulaziz Alsaud (’79)

Mohammed-Ali Alireza, chairman of Modern Consortium for Refueling Aircraft Co. (’82)

Al-Sharif Jameel Adnan, first Saudi Arabian to sail around the world (attended ’85)